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Dimpul Konwar
Research Professor
Gachon Univ. Postdoctoral Research Professor, Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Gachon Univ. Postdoctoral Research Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering
2019.04 - 2024.02
2017.04 - 2019.03
Gachon Univ. Ph.D., Department of Chemical Engineering
Tezpur Univ. M.S., Department of Physics
Gauhati Univ. B.S., Department of Physics
2013.08 - 2017.02
2010.07 - 2012.06
2007.07 - 2010.06
Total 24 papers
First author 21 papers
Research Interest
1. Li-ion battery
2. Fuel cells
3. Sensors
4. Water splitting
5. Photocatalysts
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